Possession Sound Preserve
PSP north PSP south up seasonal creek - Demuth Photography At 10 o'clock I, D and Skip went to Possession Sound Preserve in the Subaru. This is a new Nature Conservancy property off Humphrey Road with a brand new gravel trail running a ways down an old roadway leading to the beach, about 3000 feet of it. Beautiful day with light rain later in the afternoon. In that later afternoon S and I took the yellow van to the wheel people at Les Schwab to replace the brake pads, but after going to Freeland in the car to get stuff we heard that Les got the wrong pads so we returned to the yellow van to take it home until the right brake pads come. We were at China City having tropical drinks and pot stickers when we got the call about the pads, so we were cool with it. Not a bad day, and tomorrow won't be any better due to setting an IV and infusing me with the Keytruda better known by its folk name pembrolizumab at the ...