"The cure for anything is salt water -- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinesen


threw this in while waiting for the foto team to upload today's glamour shots

looking for rounds
                    - Demuth Photography

Windup pup
                                - Demuth Photography

    Had a conversation with the nurse yesterday about the percentage of salt in blood vs sea. She googled it and compared to the label on the infusion bag, which said .9% sodium chloride, the ocean is about 3 times saltier than blood; I thought, hoped really, they would be the same. I also liked my immersion in Dinesen's book Out of Africa once upon a time.

    The air is full of wood smoke and the temperature is high. No wind. I can't say it smells strong or even smells really. S upbraided me for letting the cool out and I threw some carrots, those shaved baby ones.

    Fixed bottom rung on yellow van ladder. Got reflective insulating window covers for new van. I guess we're committed to this vehicle adoption.

    I thought we had to go to the dump station at the fairgrounds, but we didn't. Instead took a nap and woke to D barking uproariously and knew it was time for pre-scheduled walk with SD.  Took 2.5 pound mini-maul with thinking I had identified some rounds of cedar in the woods beyond the cemetery that I could test it out on. Rounds were punky. I think you can order rounds from Amazon now though. Neither SD nor I wanted to really walk it up much so we just headed back down Al Anderson noting red sun hanging over there in the west.


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