


above average breakfast - just a glimpse of Uncle Bob's Red Mill Polenta Corn Grits under over easy egg!

    Quite heavy fog at 6 am.  Unacknowledged by Cliff Mass or, but there it is. Thinking maybe to hang those big plastic fish from the tree outside this window to enhance the aquarium effect already apparent. Not sure if we still have those fish, have to go look under house, ugh.

    Replaced headlight bulb on yellow van, cleaned channel/gutter under wipers. Put black shoe polish on brown Merrell slip-ons. Inventoried 20 pieces of black clothing not seen in some years. Wound up in three pairs of leg coverings like the guys and gals in Hopkins back in old Belize when they dressed to go to farm. S painting two doors to backyard. S also took D to dog park. In escaping two large white troublemakers by going into small dog area she met up with small vicious terrier. There were some good times prior to these negatives.

    Walked D to beach and Commons earlier. Chastised by loud staff guy in kilt for entering shop maskless and with dog. Retreated, regrouped, re-entered, got jalepeno cheddar bagel and latte for $6 and change. 

Walked D again later with Skip. Met Gary of the house and industrious compound in the midst of the Fossek acres and large blue neon peace sign hung on gable end of the house, so reassuring on cold winter nights, and heard his tale of the two old wethers rescued as lambs and now in their golden years as members of the Fossick herd.

    Did not quite make the numbers in the watch activity numbers game. Had something like 723 at 11 pm. Should have walked out then in pajamas, but I did not. Could've but did not. Tomorrow will be better.

and I thought I had troubles - Mr. B in North Dakota


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