From the last 4 or 5


S and D and the Rs

Taj Mahal in Christmas clothes

the ever present Evergreen State ferry at Langley

    Spent a quiet half hour tutoring a young man from B's cohort in reading who neither needed nor wanted tutoring. We read the section in Huckleberry Finn in which Jim and Huckleberry meet the King and the Duke, a couple of scammers if there ever was. Experienced the reading aloud of The Castle in the Attic by B with the choral response by the cohort. Some of the group were out of tune it being Monday.

    A fine evening of dinner with Dean and Mary. Beer, Kombucha and wine for beverages, cauliflower soup with a sweet/tart relish, peanut stir fry and chocolate cheese cake and cookies. I don't recall that any political items were discussed.

    Rough weather came in the night and electric failed mostly on the island. S, D and I walked down to the sea wall to see the waves crashing. I drove across to the U.S. and into Costcovia for drugs, kombucha, apples, grape tomatoes, a nine pak of Vietnamese Pho, a 48 pak of ramen, some runners, a hoodie, bananas, honeycrisp apples (not happy with those; perfumy) and avocados. D accompanied gratis. Traffic lights still dark on our return. Lit again at 7:15 pm.


  1. Great use of power downtime but I wouldn’t touch a non-organic Costco honeycrisp apple with a 10’ pole, honestly.


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