coming home


going to Al and Bill's

looks like teen spirit

washing up

    Familiarity with little Palm Springs brought forth with walks through the neighborhoods of the movie colony, Al Jolson's place was just across the street, Lily Tomlin over there and the Hershey's house up the street said our informant clipping her hedge, then downtown and up to the Palisades with the rocks of the immense alluvial fan out of the mountains and its three zillion dollar houses surrounded by 70 empty lots starting at 700K.
    Great dinner party with several of us ancient Whidbey people, cookies earlier with Frank and Rick who walks the mountains like John the ex-MD who does the same.
    Couple nights at the nearby Marriott in which finding no microwave in the room I thought I might heat my tortillas with the provided hair dryer; didn't really work, so I tried it on the butter - also no.

    Flew out of the desert in the early morning, railed into Columbia City with a guy nodding off on real dope, chugged up the hill with baggage to R's house, met by ever enthused Ms. Marbles. Moved to Charlie and Sarah's under house pad, S decamped back to R's in the wee hours due to too much dog and not enough bed. Off to see Alison and Bill for lunch and later to the over lake home of C and S for cocktails and comfort food.
    Home late this Christmas Eve after infusion and none too soon.


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