An afternoon at the end of the second week of November


lunch at the taco truck behind the pot shop in Freeland

    One need not be intimidated by gaps in the record to the point of ending the record. We could say some days are diamonds some days are rust like Tom Petty did once. 

    It's been Fall all over again. The back yard already has standing water. Big wind, broken sun. Hardly a drop falls on the dog platform floor.

    Done another infusion, no problem. Got up on the 7th floor where Ms. ARNP Ann Marie admitted scheduling a CT scan for the next day and a meet with oncologist Harris the following Thursday by mistake, but she gave me some gabapinten which made up for it plus her little pointy witch boots.

    Before that had a visit with the endocrinologist the highlight of that being no testosterone supplements and beating a bust by the meter maid.

    Wonderful overnight with Charlie and Sarah and R that included S's fish chowder and for breakfast two flavors of hot smoked salmon. Visit to old Costcovia brought new food items suggested by our hosts: multinut butter (A Delicious Blend of Almonds, Cashews, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds. & Flax Seeds) and a three pak of that same hot smoked.

    Planned van adventure has been abandoned for now due to high winds and huge rain when we would have been driving in the howling dark around the nether end of the peninsula - Shelton, Elma, etc.

    D has become non-responsive to all stimuli unless he is taken to one of his happy places. 


  1. One of your best. Great text and even better subtext. The pics feature that one non-gentrified nook of Freeland, the U-hauls n pot store n Nichol Bros


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