
Showing posts from November, 2021

R & M Visit Launches Holidays

  how it goes      Thanksgiving dinner was dandy at L. and A.'s with R and M, shown above, in it. Good solid but jovial group above plates and plates of nice food. Pies!!       R and M used the hotube.       D and Marb mouth wrestled for days making sounds like two out of tune violins.      Good breakfasts at home.     Weather continues damp and blustery with the tropical rivers in the atmosphere and the rain shadow.      Took D for a leash-free stroll downtown tonight after a session at the Spyhop where we had the jalapeno margarita which I would have again.  


      Since I took no photos of the Ferndale expedition I offer these shots of the dog pavilion circle is J.        Went to Ferndale for to get a handle on the state of the silver van house batteries ( not the starter battery, the lithium bats that provide power to the fridge, water pump, heater, etc., in the living part of the vehicle). Our guy up there is a certified tech for the Victron company, but more importantly he is a member of a unique and esoteric household that revolves around a mysterious person who the people there refer to as the Boss or Brad. The beach house which is also the business location is stuffed with artifacts of the adventures of Brad such as grizzly bear and zebra skins, and many strange and arresting items from around the world as well as lots of cardboard boxes. The Victron tech, let's call him J. is always personable and keen to problem solve for us and he helpfully offers a constant running commentary of his thinking...

3 hours for RiteAid

  i like this guy slumps erosion      Waiting and waiting for hydrocodone from nasty old battle axe RiteAid in Freeland,  D and I investigated recent storm damage at Double Bluff and I finally succumbed to lunch of three carnitas tacos at Rocket Taco, so it wasn't all bad. Also spent some quality time at the Stihl store analyzing the hatchets, mauls, electric lawnmowers; no electric chainsaws on hand.      Nice high tea at B's and another fun time at Spyhop bar chatting with one James of Austin, but now of Groom Lane.     Put artificial turf on dog pavilion; next door neighbor dog, Aengus, seemed to like it, but D not particularly interested.      Mowed. 


  puberty?      D has become quite sullen and uncooperative, so we, worried parents, looked up teenage dog behavior on the intertube and found this:      Any parent of teenagers will tell you that raising kids during their adolescent phase is a trying task, what with the know-it-all attitude, the uncanny ability to ignore anything that resembles a request, and the sudden urge to be anywhere but with family. But even if you’ve never raised a human, you may have encountered these traits—in the canine members of your household.      If your dog is suddenly ignoring the “sit” or “come” commands they mastered in puppyhood, you’re not alone. New  research  (the part about insecure attachment is not relevant to D) from a team of UK universities has shown that dogs do go through a rebellious adolescent phase, and they can be just as obstinate as human teens as they navigate fluctuating hormones and push for a bit of independen...

big boom

  down below the Dog      Sun did come up, shedding light through clouds, but no electricity since yesterday. About to go down to beach west of Langley to see how the logs have been tossed; I had previously memorized the position of all beach items. Accompanied by S, Laurie and the dogs Zoe and D.      Beach strangely tidy. Drift logs jammed into bluff. Several minor subsidences and one major one.  Laurie really interested to find cup of java.      Cleaning gutters; S digging ditch to drain backyard.      SCCA still making mistakes with appointments. Posed question about possibly getting infusion while vanning east to Florida. Peter, the scheduler, said he would bring that up with team.

An afternoon at the end of the second week of November

  lunch at the taco truck behind the pot shop in Freeland      One need not be intimidated by gaps in the record to the point of ending the record. We could say some days are diamonds some days are rust like Tom Petty did once.       It's been Fall all over again. The back yard already has standing water. Big wind, broken sun. Hardly a drop falls on the dog platform floor.      Done another infusion, no problem. Got up on the 7th floor where Ms. ARNP Ann Marie admitted scheduling a CT scan for the next day and a meet with oncologist Harris the following Thursday by mistake, but she gave me some gabapinten which made up for it plus her little pointy witch boots.      Before that had a visit with the endocrinologist the highlight of that being no testosterone supplements and beating a bust by the meter maid.      Wonderful overnight with Charlie and Sarah and R that included S's fish chowder and for break...

An evening at the end of the first week in November

  inside the tree      I believe that the short video clip above conveys the sense of the short periods of better weather among the solid blanket of light gray overhead and water falling all over than to say, say "it was nice sometimes" but one has to click the little arrow twice and then the full screen down on the bottom right or more or less that procedure to get some insight.      Otherwise it has been D and beach, and woods, and village, and chance meetings here and there, and two nights straight at the public house juicing and yakking to whoever is closest. Also there is the rare treat of watching commercials that I've never seen or imagined, but muted sadly. And football which is frantic because they show clips of other games while the one you were watching there is the void of the guys standing around trying to plan what to do next.

dog and bear

       The ever exciting langley west beach offered a teddy bear choice which D accepted without question.      For me there was the abundance of cedar and with the aid of a swede saw I took home a nice chunk to make kindling for the van trips or even the remote possibility of an S24O (stealth 24 hour outing) fire.      There was the additional fun of meeting the two neighbor aussies and 4 of the neighbor aussie parents and uncle aunts at the bottom of Dog House grade as we returned from up beach. Intertube wander in the earlier am was better than usual due to: Thomas Flight vlog and a short punchy 12 minute documentary on the NY Times site, . And, Amazon buys for the following necessities: "Great coffee has finally met its glass" WarmShe WS Artificial Grass Turf 4FTX5FT,1,38inch 4 Tone Synthetic Artificial Turf Rug for Dogs Indoor Outdoor Garden Grass Rug Warmshe. N...

To Oak Harbor and Back

diorama with and without fauna      Days of rain and near rain have sapped us. Days of the deep woods and swept shores have been good though.      We retrieved the silver van from the Kult of Kaiser Garage and I enjoyed the new backup camera and the apple car play for big music on the way to the mexican restaurant and on down to the berry farm where D and I found some party dogs and later got wet in the sheets of rain that came on. We recouped in the van with the heater fan on high. D only seemed to perk up with the tune Disintegration Loop (1.1 Excerpt 1) by some guy named Basinski. S drove the Subaru straight home.

the last several days

looking east unfinished pavilion for dog crossing      The last several days have been staggeringly fine, but it is time to experiment with other less costly ways of keeping a record out of laziness or practicality I don't know.      Simply marvelous tours of Saratoga Woods with D and Ms. Marb, marveling at the unkept primitive old forest. Always looking for a tuck and up and down at the boles. The dogs scamper from elation especially in the morning chill brought by clear nights.      S, D and Me roved Langley west beach well beyond the demolished bulkhead at what was once the Primavera property. Again looking for a tuck, but no luck unless you want a hammock.      Talk about rondelays, went over to town not even for medical unless picking up scripts in Costcovia counts, got Apple watch for S who apparently lost her last one, returned this and that including Kickback Rocker number one now that I have Kickback Roadtrip Rocker. H...