Yesterday from today again


the lonliness of the short little dog

    Getting to be a habit to post about previous day from the next. Just reading a review of a new non-fiction book, THE TAKING OF JEMIMA BOONE Colonial Settlers, Tribal Nations, and the Kidnap That Shaped America By Matthew Pearl that tries to post about things that happened 200 years ago. How well is that going to work?

    There was a walk on west beach Langley with a short meet with a cranky and barrel-shaped cattle dog, another pleasant hello from the kindly and unassuming David, as well as a scone from the loud authoritarian at the Commons.

    A mowing of the front for the first time in months, noting the empty yard sign holder indicative S found out of a spate, yes a spate!, of that sort of thing with the added twist of the same yard signs being repurposed to spell FU on the high school verge. Thus I can only claim the faintest connection to the large cultural tides to-ing and fro-ing around here. 

    In the afternoon, there was a dispute about framing lumber versus VG fir and the boards for the Columbia City steps were returned for the third time.

    Later yet an attempt to have supper at the Tap Room led to a nice and more sophisticated dinner at China City of garlic green beans and Mongolian Beef because the former was dark, unexpected and a bit ominous.


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