Three Boat Wait


    Or so it seemed as R and dog began their return to the mainland after our retro breakfast and a walk in Saratoga Woods. There is a quasi-religious uprising among ferry workers against the blasphemy of the vaccine mandate that is playing a little havoc with the crossing. R and S were strategizing on the phone as to how the situation might play out but in the end it all worked out and R was on the 11:30 pretty much like in the good old days.

    Myself, I am thinking I am dealing with the effects of low T. I was at 158 ng/dl in early August and a month later I am registering 102 both of which are around half of the low end of the standard range. So double napping is totally excusable and besides many normal animals hibernate during these coming months. And it's not like I'm not getting enough caffeine. Still reading Pollan (This is Your Mind on Plants)on that score.

    Another rumpus that shouldn't have been: Having chatted with B and B who were doing somethings to their motos I tethered D and entered the Star Store and picked up a small basket of things but at the cashier I had no money. I went home got the car put D in it and took off but I forgot the money. And there was the ice cream to worry about. Symptom of the demographic here in the NORC.

    As S was out, I experimented with rice, sautéed green and white onions and kimchee. Was okay. I have always shied away from cooking rice but tonight I think that is done. 

Evergreen State at Nichols in Langley


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