Wet Again

Saratoga Woods (camera not up to majesty of this forest)

These folks always go all out for holiday decorations, but note long white pvc tube on left bannister for safe delivery of treats

    Wetted a couple of times today. Beginning to remember what a winter around here feels like. S indicates absolute necessity of migration. I am promoting cozy camp in numerous empty state parks around Salish Sea not as an alternative to southern migration but in the meantime. Well insulated metal box good for warm and dry I say. Picked up an off season senior state park pass for $75 with which one can stay in camps for little or nothing from October to May.

    Light industry: picked up several hundred bits of high density foam from former rube goldberg device S built to protect 12 volt sockets in van which gang of three somehow got hold of, rationalized random items in cottage (lumber, giant chicken wire rabbit, rope, etc., cut honeysuckle tendrils invading building through cracks in wall,  topped up hot tub (bad timing - added cold water just before S returned from cold lake swim expecting nice hot hot tub).

    To Freeland for bones and tomatoes.

    S, D and me tramped big outer circuit of Saratoga Woods.

    Almost looking forward to pembrolizumab infusion Thursday due to fun time last session.

    8 oz beer at Double Bluff - embarrassingly small glass.

    Tomorrow could be better, wouldn't take all that much.


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