first fall storm?
D, Skip, Erratic fancy root from earlier walk with D on Langley west beach Something big and dangerous is said, by our controversial meteorologist Cliff M, to have brewed up in the Gulf of Alaska, but the generic weather web site shows only a mild wind and the usual rainy rain this morning; however this post is about yesterday, Wednesday, September 29th, it's just that I was hoping for a blow you know and forgot to post yesterday lazily. At any rate Wednesday was hardly a dazzler. The only highlight was a circuit of Saratoga Woods, again, with D and Skip who will begin his transition to Ojai tomorrow/today. The only other thing I can recall is the loading of the Subaru with every imaginable tool so we can take on the refurbishment of the steps to the Columbia City house while R is off in Pittsburg and her roommate is crewing for a Harry Styles and Jenny Lewis tour. Also have to go to SCCA downtown tomorrow/t...