Slip Sliding


knee, bole and dog - the Maple

ivy on the back wall of the Clyde theater - thought to use as computer screen background but somehow too creepy

the dead end of 6th street where I so often go - turn right get to Maple, turn left get to secret rough trail to 3rd street - controversial Compton property with old building just visible at far end - just reference photo not artistic composition

    Hard to recall any detail from this day when I try just the next morning. I know D and I walked to the community of 2 or 3 bulkhead beach homes on the shore just west of Langley, but beyond that there seem to be no memory pegs to swing from nor any pictures which is a key way to trigger memory. There was some trouble with the apparatus of the stoma and with assistance from S that was resolved. The day was fine in the way of the weather - cool overcast followed by warm sunny. There may well have been some mowing, but that may have been Monday. Let's just say we are living in the moment and try to do better going on. Oh, and it must be noted that S made a rather fetching chicken salad. For sure.

    Another thing that has floated up - Bergquist texted his blog address - he is biking east from Sand Point ID to Fargo ND. So I read all of his posts of which there were quite a few and thus relived the look and feel of past bike tours which accounted for a chunk of time in my almost empty sense of Tuesday July 27.

    Okay, whew, let's call it good and move on.


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