catch up
still life at Spinnaker Bay condo Spin Bay pose Meerkerk Rhody park with Kim, S and D Three dog afternoon At least a month has passed since last recording the adventures of the patient and friends so must make amends. Chemo got a small response from tumor; it didn't get bigger. The infusions of poison will continue but they become less effective in a few months. Effects of the new blood transfusion are wearing off now. Greg and Kim flew in for a nice visit under unexpectedly blue skies. Very relaxed time and D certainly enjoyed licking his new friends. Not sure whether the new dual battery electric mower has been documented, but it's worth a mention since I've been a non-professional mower for 60 years. It's bug green and self-propelled and heavy. Changes some of my basic notions about cutting the lawn. Participated in a somewhat wild pickle ball session with Laurie, Barbara and S in which we struggled with ...