chemo sabe

the way back machine featuring from left: R, Neblol, OGee, S, Chula and Ike at the almost finished house we built south of Hopkins, Belize Thwacked by first chemo treatment; pain pills helpful, but only just. Second pickle ball training at the Bob Alexander Memorial Gym on the old middle school campus led to very dizzy, sicky moments early on during wall practice and not much better as S and I were whumped by our opponents. Cancelled dental appointment for 8 am yesterday, just couldn't do. S taking charge of meds, Elizabeth from SCCA downtown phoned - not much help, but nice to have someone to talk to. Plus got Zoloft script and maybe refill on ambian from new primary care doc in Harbor Pointe although visit was supposed to be a video session, but never got vid part to work. More later if I can think of anything. Asked S if she could look in to a plot at Woodmens. She replied that she would look for 2 together. I'm consi...