
Showing posts from January, 2022

quiet nights, stormy days

please click the arrow and then the full screen icon on the far lower left Music "After the Ball" 1891  by  Charles K. Harris        Two weeks gone from the ledger except for bits and pieces. Bits and pieces. One bit was last Friday when Don invited me by text pretty much out of the blue, for a beer, then texted "Well I guess it is cancelled for now.  Maybe we can make a go of it when Nels gets off.  I will check with him. When I texted that I was sad and had been looking forward to it, a text came "Let’s say 4.  Maybe Nels can make it." I texted, "Might have better luck with treat at commons and walk." Don replied, "Either one. Nels should be therefore. You pick the spot. " "Commons", texts I. We three do meet at the Commons. It is closed. We walk to the Spyhop; it is closed. We walk to this and that place; all closed except the fish place so we get a table, Don is not comfortable with the crowds (everyone in town who wanted to ea...

more dog

  love bites some of the cars of the dog people at Magnuson Park dog park Golden Gardens Off Leash Area (dog on stump does not have an owl or eagle or kitty on his back) the way down at GG at peace and just in from Miami      Return to Seattle at R's suggestion on Wednesday (note sunset over Lake Union as we cross the big i5 bridge is beyond anything I have ever seen in that regard and I expect people to stop and get out of their cars. It was a benediction and signal that everything is going to be alright) to take over Marbles the next day, give R a ride to the airport also next day and ultimately find and use test kit to see if she has covid because she is showing slight fever. S in Fla. says "you're fine, come on!". C Cunniff provides kit otherwise none to be had. Negative. R flies. Marb, D and I stare into the middle distance for a while and then proceed down the long staircase to Genesee Dog world. Later that day we try Magnolia Park dog park but there isn't o...


  day one of three consecutive at the old Berry Farm D at the End of the World      S to Gunderson Building in Everett for consult on the color of her wrist cast. On to R's by 3pm. Marbos at her nanny, so D and I left for home while S got ready for her early flight to Miami by spending the night in Columbia City at R's. Ali, R's roomy, is in Columbia visiting his folks. No drugs available at Costco and scant food was needed except for naan (15), compari tomatoes(20), avocados(5), cottage cheese(3 lbs), and bananas(12). Returned some stuff, coat, gel seat, got gas. Dropped white afghan at cleaners($27) on the Mukilteo Speedway near the Mongolian Grill. I probably walked D or he played with A and B in the back.      Up to Greenbank Farm with D. Marvelous opportunities for romping, standing-on-back-legs tooth dancing and just dogging around. Spoke with two new Aussie parents with dogs closely related to D : sister/brother, half-brothers. One dad lived nex...

spring II

that window again the un-cemetery scaling, peeling, plating? exfoliating!      Spring continues to be disappointing probably because it is only mid-winter. A radical warming is predicted however, however short lived. Long day on the main land due to S's medical appointments was softened by lunch at Fred and Sonju's house and small foray into Costco for drugs and foods. Soursop nectar is almost gone and more was not seen.      Dusty continues well and relatively unsullied with mud even though snow is gone and mud is generally available.  Is it the first signs of the tidiness of maturity? Looking forward with some trepidation to the caretaking of the two pups.     S happy with sky-blue wrist cast. She is very concerned with the plague now that the trip to Miami with mums and daughters is imminent which is one reason we did not see the new Westside Story at the Clyde.


  lest we forget        Now that the epoch of the frozen world is over. One's locks are blown back this evening by warm breezes from the southeast over the Ocean through Shelton, Elma, etc. The robins seem to be mating or something. They are fat and fidgety. In the morning I hope to walk out into a better place.      During the dark time there were some bright spots: the last supper at the Big Werzbowski, Jokinen's 55th birthday and new year's eve event with real fire rockets presented at 9 by Dexter for the olders who had the earlier bed time, or so said S, the new year's day polar bear dip for which I provided transport if not encouragement or validation. I often get a whiff of Jonestown at these mass  masochistic happenings.      Got two letters from Merck at the same time, one warning me that I needed to apply for the immunotherapy course and the next congratulating me for acceptance into the program for 2022.